What's the game?

You start with 2,000 6,000 gold from the Iron Bank that you can use to buy tokens. If your tokens come true, they are worth 100 points each.

For each of the characters, you can collect tokens for Alive, Dead, or Undead depending on what you think will happen to that character.

You can keep buying and selling tokens until the end of the final episode! After that, points will be awarded and you can see your final score.

What are the rules?

Where do the percentages come from?

This game is called a prediction market. The tokens' prices go up or down depending on demand, calulculated using the logarithmic market scoring rule. So the current price represents a crowdsourced percent chance the character will become undead or end up alive or dead.

The leaderboard shows who has the highest projected scores based on the current predictions. A dramatic turn could turn it upside down.

What's the fine print?

This site is made just for fun by some computer science researchers and it is not affiliated with HBO or Game of Thrones in any way.

This site will not track you, show advertisements, or collect or share personal information with anybody. We may share the prediction market transaction data for research purposes. In this case all usernames will be removed and replaced with anonymous identifiers.

Providing a name or email address is optional. Email addresses will NEVER be used unless we add a feature you decide to use, such as resetting forgotten passwords. Names and email addresses will never be shared with anybody.